Full Title (English)
LED Edizioni Universitarie
Proprietary, a publisher’s product number
1 (Online Journal)
22809643 (Online Journal)
22833196 (Printed Journal)
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Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Energy Ethics: Emerging Perspectives in a Time of Transition: PART I
Journal Issue Date
Full Title (English)
Ethics, Nafthism, and the Fossil Subject
By (author)
Researcher BIOS Research Unit Helsinki, Finland
Number of Pages
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Publication Date
Main description (English)
Several socio-economic and technological conditions shaped the faces of modernity, but without massive energy surplus modernity as we know it would not be possible at all. Fossil fuels are not created by humans. Consequently, part of the credit for modernity that is assigned to the other (human) conditions, belongs to (non-human) fossil fuels. The misplaced assignment of credit also points to modernity’s characteristic blindness to its material conditions. By and large, modernity has been described as a human victory over nature. This is supremely ironic, as the supposed human independence relies on a particular natural phenomenon. Unfortunately, this forgetfulness extends into ethics. Typical modern views on ethics rely on a subject with an autonomous capacity to act and deliberate. There is a structural parallel between the way in which the modern subject detaches itself from its material and social surroundings and the way in which a fossil fuel economy detaches production from consumption, products from waste, actions from consequences. If ethics is blind to the way in which the detachment is dependent on a particular energy regime, it is unlikely to result in a robust de-fossilization. In this article, we argue that the notions of modernity and (modern) subjectivication are made possible by non-human energy, namely fossil fuels. Thus, energy ethics for the postfossil era will be ultimately based on a-subjective and non-modern premises.
Publisher's own category code
fossil fuels; oil; subject; nafthology; nafthism; ethics; modernity; work; energy; capitalism