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Zitierungen des10.3280/MM2024-002004

Unstructured Zitierung

Ambrosini M. (2015). From “illegality” to Tolerance and Beyond: Irregular Immigration as a Selective and Dynamic Process. International Migration, 54, 2: 144-159;

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Bonizzoni P. and Dotsey S. (2023). Migration and Legal Precarity in the Time of Pandemic: Qualitative Research on the Italian Case. DVE DOMOVINI, 54: 117-130.

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Bonizzoni P. and Hajer M.H.J. (2023a). Civil Society Actors and the 2020 Italian Amnesty: Bordering to Deborder? Journal of Intercultural Studies, 44, 1: 44-60.

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Bonizzoni P. and Hajer M.H.J. (2023b). Politicising the Amnesty: Struggles for Migrants’ Legality during a Pandemic. Partecipazione e conflitto, 16, 1: 119-137.

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Bonizzoni P. and Odasso L. (2024). Legal-Administrative Intermediation in the Migration Field. An Introduction. Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 17, 2: 195-211.

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Brambilla C. (2015). Exploring the critical potential of the borderscapes concept. Geopolitics, 20, 1: 14-34.

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Bendixsen S. (2018). Differentiation of rights in the Norwegian welfare state: Hierarchies of belonging and humanitarian exceptionalism. Social Inclusion, 6, 3: 162-171.

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Calavita K. (2005). Immigrants at the Margins: Law, Race, and Exclusion in Southern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Cranston S., Schapendonk J. and Spaan E. (2018). New directions in exploring the migration industries: introduction to the special issue. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44, 4: 543-557.

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Crawley H. and Skleparis D. (2018). Refugees, migrants, neither, both: Categorical fetishism and the politics of bounding in Europe’s ‘migration crisis’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44, 1: 48-64.

Unstructured Zitierung

De Blasis F. and Bonizzoni P. (2024). High Stakes and Hidden Traps. Migration Industry, Risks of Deception, and Legal Status Precarity in the Lottery of the Decreto Flussi. Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 17, 2: 237-262.

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De Haas H., Natter K. and Vezzoli S. (2018). Growing restrictiveness or changing selection? The nature and evolution of migration policies. International Migration Review, 52, 2: 324-367.

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Dimitriadis I. (2018). Asking around”: immigrants' counterstrategies to renew their residence permit in times of economic crisis in Italy. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 16, 3: 275-292.

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El-Kayed N. and Hamann U. (2018). Refugees’ access to housing and residency in German cities: Internal border regimes and their local variations. Social Inclusion, 6, 1: 135-146.

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Esaiasson P., Lajevardi N. and Sohlberg J. (2022). Reject, limbo, and accept: the effect of migration decisions on asylum seekers. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48, 15: 3469-3483.

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Faist T. (2014). Brokerage in Cross-Border Mobility: Social Mechanisms and the (Re)Production of Social Inequalities. Social Inclusion, 2, 4: 38-52.

Unstructured Zitierung

Gammeltoft-Hansen T. and Nyberg-Sørensen N. (2013). The Migration Industry and the Commercialization of International Migration. New York: Routledge.

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Goldring L. (2022). Precarious legal status trajectories as method, and the work of legal status. Citizenship Studies, 26, 4-5: 460-470.

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Unstructured Zitierung

Groutsis D., van den Broek D. and Harvey W. (2015). Transformations in Network Governance: The Case of Migration Intermediaries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41, 10: 1558-1576.

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Harvey W.S., Groutsis, D. and van den Broek D. (2018). Intermediaries and Destination Reputations: Explaining Flows of Skilled Migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44, 4: 644-662.

Unstructured Zitierung

Hernández León R. (2013). Conceptualizing the Migration Industry. In: Gammeltoft-Hansen T. and Nyberg Sorenson N., eds., The Migration Industry and the Commercialization of International Migration (pp. 24-44). Oxford: Routledge.

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Hernández León R. (2008). Metropolitan Migrants: The Migration of Urban Mexicans to the United States. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

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Unstructured Zitierung

Ibrido R., Cerrina Feroni G. and Federico V. (2021). Governing through uncertainty? Migration law and governance in a comparative perspective. DPCE Online, 45, 4: 5130-5135.

Unstructured Zitierung

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Unstructured Zitierung

Lindquist J. (2010). Labour Recruitment, Circuits of Capital and Gendered Mobility: Reconceptualizing the Indonesian Migration Industry. Pacifica Affairs, 83, 1: 115-132.

Unstructured Zitierung

Lindquist J., Xiang B. and Yeoh B. (2012). Opening the Black Box of Migration, Brokers, the Organization of Transnational Mobility and the Changing Political Economy in Asia. Pacific Affairs, 85, 1: 7-19.

Unstructured Zitierung

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Unstructured Zitierung

Montagna N. (2021). Libia-Italia: la rotta del Mediterraneo centrale e l’industria della migrazione. In: Colombo M., ed., CIRMiB, MigraReport 2021 (pp. 107-122). Milano: Vita&Pensiero.

Unstructured Zitierung

Morris L. (2002). Managing migration: Civic stratification and migrants’ rights. London: Routledge.

Unstructured Zitierung

Nyberg-Sørensen N. (2012). Revisiting the Migration–Development Nexus: From Social Networks and Remittances to Markets for Migration Control. International Migration, 50, 3: 61-76.

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Odasso L. (2021). Negotiating legitimacy: Binational couples in the face of immigration bureaucracy in Belgium and Italy. Anthropologica, 63, 1: 1-30.

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Pallister-Wilkins P. (2018). Médecins Avec Frontières and the making of a humanitarian borderscape. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 36, 1: 114-138.

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Schapendonk J. and Steel G. (2014). Following Migrant Trajectories: The Im/Mobility of Sub-Saharan Africans en Route to the European Union. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104, 2: 262-270.

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Schuster L. (2005). The Continuing Mobility of Migrants in Italy: Shifting between Places and Statuses. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31, 4: 757-774.

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Spaan E. and Hillmann F. (2013). Migration Trajectories and the Migration Industry: Theoretical Reflections and Empirical Examples from Asia. In: Gammeltoft-Hansen T. and Nyberg Sorensen N., eds., The Migration Industry and the Commercialization of International Migration (pp. 64-86). Abingdon: Routledge.

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