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2421-3691 (Gedruckte Zeitschrift)
2531-9817 (Online-Zeitschrift)
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Vollständiger Titel
Torture against migrants: A structural and global phenomenon, and its social roots
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2020FrancoAngeli srl
The article examines the relationship between torture and migration, highlighting how torture has become a structural element of the migratory experience in the majority of the world; sometimes torture is the cause for departure, it is a frequent experience along the migratory path, it is a reality that migrants are sometimes forced to confront in receiving countries. This is specifically the result of the convergence between the amplification of torture (the "torture crisis") and the worsening of the conditions of migration (the "war on migrants"). The article analyzes the different factors underlying these processes, highlighting that torture against migrants is a global phenomenon that has a close link with the tightening of migration policies, the three-fold process of precarization, illegalization and criminalization of migration, the escalation of racism, all elements that, together with some social processes of contemporary society - the securitization policies, the politics of fear, hyper-detention, the theories on the criminal law of the enemy - promote the production of contexts, environments, and situations permeable to torture.
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