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Zitierungen des10.3280/WE2021-002004

Unstructured Zitierung

Abraham N. (2020). Wonder VR: Interactive Storytelling through VR 360 Video with NHS Patients Living with Dementia. Contemporary Theatre Review, 30(4): 474-489.

Unstructured Zitierung

Amnesty International (2020). As it expendable: The UK government’s failure to protect older people in care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. -- Available online at: [Accessed 07/09/21].

Unstructured Zitierung

Bourdieu P. (2002). Habitus. In: Hillier J. and Rooksby E., eds., Habitus: A Sense of Place. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 27-34.

Unstructured Zitierung

Brooker D. and Latham I. (2016). Person-Centred Dementia Care: Making Services Better with the VIPS Framework, 2nd edn. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Unstructured Zitierung

Bruner J. (1996). The Culture of Education. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

Unstructured Zitierung

De Leo D. (2020). Mental Health, Depression, Loneliness and Suicide from COVID-19. In: IPA COVID-19, social distancing and its impact on social and mental health of the elderly population. Online Webinar, 23rd May 2020.

Unstructured Zitierung

Etherington K. (2004). Becoming a Reflexive Research: Using Our Selves in Research. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Unstructured Zitierung

Freire P. (1996). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. London: Penguin Books Ltd.

Unstructured Zitierung

Fuller K. (2020). The “7 Up” Intersectionality Life Grid: A Tool for Reflexive Practice. In: Frontiers in Education. -- Available online at: [Accessed 06/09/21].

Unstructured Zitierung

IPA (2020). COVID-19, social distancing and its impact on social and mental health of the elderly population, Online Webinar, 23rd May 2020.

Unstructured Zitierung

Kelly G.A. (1963). A theory of personality: the psychology of personal constructs. New York: W.W. Norton Company Inc.

Unstructured Zitierung

Kitwood T.M. (1997). Dementia Reconsidered: The person comes first. Buckingham; Bristol: Open University Press.

Unstructured Zitierung

McCormick S. (2017). Applied Theatre: Creative Ageing. London: Methuen Drama Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd.

Unstructured Zitierung

Minoia V. (2019). Educating in prison through theater and literature: Examples from Italy and the United States. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 14(3): 185-201.

Unstructured Zitierung

Mitchell G., Depuis S.L, Kontos P., Jonas-Simpson C. and Gray. J. (2020). Disrupting dehumanising and intersecting patterns of modernity with a relational ethic of caring. International Practice Development Journal, 10(1): 1-15. -- Available online at: [Accessed 11/04/21].

Unstructured Zitierung

Naidu T. and Sliep Y. (2011). Contextual Reflexivity: Towards Contextually Relevant Research with South African HIV/AIDS Home-Based Care Volunteers. International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, University of Alberta. -- Available online at: [Accessed 01/09/21].

Unstructured Zitierung

Peisah C. (2020). Older persons’ human rights and the COVID pandemic: are they compatible? In: IPA COVID-19, social distancing and its impact on social and mental health of the elderly population, Online Webinar, 23rd May 2020.

Unstructured Zitierung

Reichman W.E. (2020). Opening Speech: Moderator. In: IPA COVID-19, social distancing and its impact on social and mental health of the elderly population, Online Webinar, 23rd May 2020.

Unstructured Zitierung

Rowlands J. (2008). Questioning Empowerment: Working with Women in Honduras. Oxford: Oxfam.

Unstructured Zitierung

Segal L. (2013). Out of Time. Verso: New York.

Unstructured Zitierung

Soto-Perez-de-Celis E. (2020). Social media, ageism, and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. EClinicalMedicine, 29, 100634. -- Available online at:, [Accessed 13/09/21].

Unstructured Zitierung

Vernooji-Dassen M. (2020). The risks of social distancing for older people. IPA, Online Webinar, 23rd May, 2020.