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Zitierungen des10.3280/rip2024oa18576

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Alqahtani, M. (2015). The importance of vocabulary in language learning and how to be taught. International journal of teaching and education, 3(3), 21-34.

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Armon-Lotem, S., de Jong, J., & Meir, N. (2015). Methods for assessing multilingual children: disentangling bilingualism from Language Impairment. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. BiSLI project (consultato il 19.01.2022).

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Aydin, H., & Kaya, Y. (2019). Education for Syrian refugees: The new global issue facing teachers and principals in Turkey. Educational Studies, 55(1), 46-71.

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Bayram‐Jacobs, D., Henze, I., Evagorou, M., Shwartz, Y., Aschim, E. L., Alcaraz‐ Dominguez, S., ... & Dagan, E. (2019). Science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge development during enactment of socioscientific curriculum materials. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(9), 1207-1233.

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Blommaert, J. (2009). Language, asylum, and the national order. Current anthropology, 50(4), 415-441.

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Bosch, J. E., Tsimpli, I. M., & Guasti, M. T. (2023). How English-Medium Instruction affects language and learning outcomes of children in the Maldives. Journal of English-Medium Instruction, 2(1), 1-26.

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Bosch, J. E., & Foppolo, F. (2022). Predictive processing of grammatical gender in bilingual children: The effect of cross-linguistic incongruency and language dominance. Lingue e linguaggio, 21(1), 5-27.

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Brown, M., Gravani, M. N., Slade, B., & Jōgi, L. (2020). Integrating migrants through adult language programmes: a comparative case study of four European countries. In Przytuła S., Sułkowski, Ł. (Eds.) Integration of Migrants into the Labour Market in Europe, Advanced

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Series in Management (Vol. 25, pp. 155- 169). Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

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Chiat, S. (2015). Non-Word Repetition. In: S. Armon-Lotem, J. de Jong & N. Meir (Eds.). Assessing Multilingual Children: Multilingual Matters, (pp. 125-150).

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Cho, H., Wang, X. C., & Christ, T. (2019). Social-emotional learning of refugee English language learners in early elementary grades: Teachers’ perspectives. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 33(1), 40-55.

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Di Pisa, G., & Marinis, T. (2022). Gender assignment and agreement in the oral production of heritage speakers of Italian living in Germany. Lingue e linguaggio, 21(1), 99-120.

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Di Pisa, G., Kubota, M., Rothman, J., & Marinis, T. (2022). Effects of markedness in gender processing in Italian as a heritage language: A speed accuracy tradeoff. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 965885.

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Eikerling, M. R., Bloder, T. S., & Lorusso, M. L. (2022a). A Nonword Repetition Task Discriminates Typically Developing Italian-German Bilingual Children From Bilingual Children With Developmental Language Disorder: The Role of Language-Specific and Language-Non-specific Nonwords. Frontiers in psychology, 13.

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International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech (2012). Multilingual children with speech sound disorders: Position paper. Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education (RIPPLE), Charles Sturt University. Bathurst, NSW, Australia. (consultato il 17.01.2022).

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Kupisch, T., & Rothman, J. (2018). Terminology matters! Why difference is not incompleteness and how early child bilinguals are heritage speakers. International Journal of Bilingualism, 22(5), 564-582.

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Long, M. H. (1991). Focus on form: A design feature in language teaching methodology. In K. DeBot, R. Ginsberg, & C. Kramsch. (Eds.). Foreign language research in cross-cultural perspective (pp. 39-52). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.

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Koehler, C., & Schneider, J. (2019). Young refugees in education: the particular challenges of school systems in Europe. Comparative migration studies, 7(1), 1- 20.

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Marinis, T., & Armon-Lotem, S. (2015). Sentence Repetition. In: Armon-Lotem, S., de Jong, J. & Meir, N. (Eds.). Methods for assessing multilingual children: disentangling bilingualism from Language Impairment. Multilingual Matters (pp. 95-121). Bristol, UK.

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Multilingual Affairs Committee of the IALP (2011). Recommendations for Working with Bilingual Children. Retrieved from (consultato il 18.03.2021).

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Multilingual-Multicultural Affairs Committee of the IALP (2020). Common Question by Speech and Language Therapists/Speech-Language Pathologists about Bilingual/ Multilingual Children and Informed, Evidence-based Answers. Common-Questions-by-SLT- SLP-about-Bilingual-Multilingual-Children-and-Informed-Evidence-based-Answers_2020. pdf (consultato il 25.01.2022).

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Olioumtsevits, K., Papadopoulou, D., & Marinis, T. (2022). Vocabulary Teaching in Refugee Children within the Context of the Greek Formal Education. Languages, 8(1), 7.

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Olioumtsevits, K., Papadopoulou, D., & Marinis, T. (2023). Second language grammar learning in refugee children: Is group dictation an effective teaching technique?. Pedagogical Linguistics, 4(1), 50-76.

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Orellana, C. I., Wada, R., & Gillam, R. B. (2019). The use of dynamic assessment for the diagnosis of language disorders in bilingual children: A meta-analysis. American Journal of Speech and Language Pathology, 28(3), 1298-1317.

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Petersen, D. B., & Gillam, R. B. (2015). Predicting reading ability for bilingual Latino children using dynamic assessment. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 48(1), 3-21.

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Sousa, L. P. D. Q., Tiraboschi, F. F., Lago, N. A. D., & Figueiredo, F. J. Q. D. (2019). Collaborative English language learning: some reflections from interactions between pairs. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, 58, 259-286.

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Warren, M. & Young, S. (2012). From metalinguistic awareness to social context: the role of L1 literacy in adult SLA. A research synthesis. Washington DC: Georgetown University.

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Willis, J. (2007). The neuroscience of joyful education. Educational leadership, 64(9), 1-5.