Titolo completo (Arabo)
The impact of the intellectual harvest strategy on the achievement of first-year intermediate female students in literature and texts and developing their critical thinking
intellectual harvest strategy
1996-8752 (Rivista Stampata)
1996-8752 (Rivista Online)
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Data del fascicolo(YYYY/MM/DD)
Titolo completo (Arabo)
The impact of the intellectual harvest strategy on the achievement of first-year intermediate female students in literature and texts and developing their critical thinking
intellectual harvest strategy
Di (autore)
General Directorate of Education in Diyala, Researcher. Dr
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Lingua del testo
Data di publicazione
1997College of Basic Education
Descrizione principale (Inglese)
This study aims to identify (the effect of intellectual gain strategies on the performance of female first-year intermediate students in literary and textual subjects and to develop their critical thinking). To achieve this goal, the researchers selected a sample of (67) first-year female students in the education major (the outstanding female students of Umm al-Shuhada). Diarra, there were (33) female students in the experimental group, and (34) female students in the control group. The researchers rewarded the female students in the two study groups based on variables such as chronological age in months, parents’ academic performance, intelligence tests, and pre-critical thinking tests. After identifying the scientific materials, the researchers set a final behavioral goal to reach (128) behavioral goals. The researchers prepared model teaching plans for each subject designated for the experiment. To measure the performance and critical thinking of students in the two study groups, the researchers prepared two tests. The first is that the achievement test consists of (42) test items, and its validity has been verified, while the consistency and critical thinking test has a total of (75) test items, and its validity and reliability have been verified. After applying the research tools and statistical analysis of the results obtained by the researchers, it was found that the experimental group was superior to the control group in both the achievement and critical thinking tests. The researchers also concluded that the effectiveness of the intelligence harvesting strategy lies in its compatibility with the usual methods for comparing the gains of first-year intermediate female students in achievement and thinking. Critic in literary and textual disciplines. This is an important goal advocated by all modern educational conferences and literature, and recommends benefiting from the results of current research by moving away from old methods of teaching literature and texts