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Elenco citazioni del10.3280/SUR2017-113002

Citazione non strutturata

Caruso N. (2016). L’emergere dell’innovazione sociale nelle politiche per la casa. Rivista online di Urban@it, 1.

Citazione non strutturata

D’Ovidio M. (2016). The creative city does not exist. Milano: Ledizioni - LediPublishing.

Citazione non strutturata

De Weerdt J., Garcia M. (2016). Housing crisis: the Platform of Mortgage Victims (PAH) movement in Barcelona and innovations in governance. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 3: 471-93.

Citazione non strutturata

Della Porta D. (2015). Social Movements in Times of Austerity. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Citazione non strutturata

Esping-Andersen G. (1990). The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Citazione non strutturata

Esping-Andersen G. (2002). Social foundations of post-industrial economies. Oxford: Blackwell.

Citazione non strutturata

European Union (2010). Empowering people, driving change: Social innovation in the European Union. Bruxelles, Maggio 2010.

Citazione non strutturata

Evers A., Guillemard A.M. (2013). Introduction: Marshall’s concept of citizenship and contemporary welfare reconfiguration. In Evers A., Guillemard A.M. (Eds.). Social policy and citizenship. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Citazione non strutturata

Fraser N. (2011). Marketization, social protection, emancipation: Towards a neo-Polanyan conception of the capitalist crisis. In Calhoun C., Derluguian G. (Eds.). Business as usual: The roots of the global financial meltdown. New York: NYU Press.

Citazione non strutturata

Klein J.L., Harrison D. (2007). L’innovation sociale. Emergence et effects sur la transformation des sociétés. Montreal: Presse de l’Université du Québec.

Citazione non strutturata

Klein, J.L., Laville J.L., Moulaert F. (a cura di). (2014). L’innovation sociale. Paris: Erès.

Citazione non strutturata

Leveque B., Fontan J.M., Klein, J.L. (2014). L’innovation sociale. Les marches d’une construction théorique et pratique. Quebec: Presse de l’Université du Quebec.

Citazione non strutturata

Marshall T.H. (1972). Cittadinanza e classe sociale. Torino: UTET.

Citazione non strutturata

Martinelli F. (2013). Learning from case studies of social innovation in the field of social services: Creatively balancing top-down universalism with bottom-up democracy. In Moulaert F., MacCallum D., Mehmood A., Hamdouch A. (a cura di). International handbook of social innovation: Collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Citazione non strutturata

Moulaert F. (2009). Social innovation: Institutionally embedded, territorially (re)produced. In Mac Callum D., Moulaert F., Hillier J., Vicari Haddock S. (Eds.). Social Innovation and Territorial Development. Burlington: Ashgate.

Citazione non strutturata

Moulaert F., Vicari Haddock S. (2009). Rigenerare la città. Bologna: il Mulino.

Citazione non strutturata

Moulaert F., MacCallum D., Mehmood A., Hamdouch A. (Eds.). (2013). International handbook of social innovation: Collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Citazione non strutturata

Mulgan G., Tucker, S., Rushanara A., Sanders B. (2006). Social Innovation: What it is, why it matters and how it can be accelerated. Oxford: Working Paper of the Said Business School.

Citazione non strutturata

Murray R., Caulier-Grice J., Mulgan G. (2010). The open book on social innovation. London: The Young Foundation.

Citazione non strutturata

Parés M., Ospina S.M., Subirats J. (2017). Social Innovation and Democratic Leadership. Communities and Social Change from Below. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Citazione non strutturata

Piketty T. (2013). Le capital au XXIe siècle. Paris: Seuil.

Citazione non strutturata

Pirone F. (2012). L’innovazione sociale: l’estensione semantica di un concetto in ascesa politica. Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 4: 137-150.

Citazione non strutturata

Polanyi K. (2001). The great transformation. Boston: Beacon Press.

Citazione non strutturata

Sassen S. (2014). Expulsions: Brutality and complexity in the global economy. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press/Belknap.

Citazione non strutturata

Semprebon M., Vicari Haddock S. (2016). Innovative housing practices involving immigrants: the case of self-building in Italy. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 3: 439-55.

Citazione non strutturata

Streeck W. (2011). Taking capitalism seriously: Towards an institutional approach to contemporary political economy. Socio-Economic Review, 1: 137-167.

Citazione non strutturata

Swyngedouw E. (2007). The Post Political City. Rotterdam: Urban Politics Now.

Citazione non strutturata

Vitale T., Membretti A. (2013). Just another roll of dice: a socially creative initiative to assure Roma Housing in North Western Italy. In Moulaert F., MacCallum D., Mehmood A., Hamdouch A. (Eds.). (2013). International handbook of social innovation: Collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Citazione non strutturata

Vitale T. (2010). Building a Shared Interest. Olinda, Milan: Social Innovation between Strategy and Organizational Learning. In Moulaert F., Swingedouw E., Martinelli F., Gonzàlez S. (Eds). Can Neighbourhoods Save the City? Community Development and Social innovation. London: Routledge.