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Elenco citazioni del10.3280/ecag2021oa12767

Citazione non strutturata

Buckley, C., Daatselaar, C., Hennessy, T. & Vrolijk, H. (2017). Using the Farm Accountancy Data Network to Develop Nutrient Use Efficiency Indicators for Milk Production. FLINT deliverable 5.2K.

Citazione non strutturata

Dabkienė, V. (2016). The scope of farms sustainability tools based on FADN Data. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 16(1), 121-128.

Citazione non strutturata

Desjeux, Y. & Latruffe, L. (2010). Influence of agricultural policy support on farmers’ technical efficiency: an application to France. In: Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC 2010) (pp. 12-p).

Citazione non strutturata

Diazabakana, A., Latruffe, L., Bockstaller, C., Desjeux, Y., Finn, J., Kelly, E., Ryan, M. & Uthes, S. (2014). A Review of Farm Level Indicators of Sustainability with a Focus on CAP and FADN. Deliverable 1.2 of the EU FP7 project FLINT.

Citazione non strutturata

Dillon, E.J., Hennessy, T., Buckley C., Donnellan T., Hanrahan K., Moran B. & Ryan M. (2014). The Sustainable Intensification of the Irish Dairy Sector. Contributed paper presented at the 88th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, AgroParisTech, 9-11 April, Paris, France, 17p.

Citazione non strutturata

European Commission (2018). Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Regulations (EU) No 1308/2013 Establishing a Common Organisation of the Markets in Agricultural Products, (EU) No 1151/2012 on quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs, (EU) No 251/2014 on the definition, description, presentation, labelling and the protection

Citazione non strutturata

of geographical indications of aromatised wine products, (EU) No 228/2013 laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union and (EU) No 229/2013 laying down specific measures for agriculture in favour of the smaller Aegean islands. Publications Office of the European Union.

Citazione non strutturata

Gerrard, C.L., Padel, S. & Moakes, S. (2012). The use of Farm Business Survey data to compare the environmental performance of organic and conventional farms. International Journal of Agricultural Management, 2(1), 5-16.

Citazione non strutturata

Gillespie, P. & Thorne, F., (2016). Review of the competitiveness of the Irish Dairy Sector at Farm Level. In: Presentation at Teagasc Outlook Economic Prospects for Agriculture. November 29, rds Dublin Ireland.

Citazione non strutturata

Hennessy, T. & Kinsella, A. (2013). 40 Years of Irish Farming Since Joining the European Union: A Journey with the Teagasc National Farm Survey 1972 to 2012. Rural Economy and Development Programme, Teagasc.

Citazione non strutturata

Jambu, M. & Lebeaux, M. (1983). Cluster analysis and data analysis. New York: Elsevier Science Pub.

Citazione non strutturata

Letty, B., Shezi, Z. & Mudhara, M. (2012). An exploration of agricultural grassroots innovation in South Africa and implications for innovation indicator development. UNU-MERIT Publisher.

Citazione non strutturata

Liberati, C. & Di Fonzo, A. (2020). L’agricoltura nel Lazio in cifre, 2020. Roma: CREA, Centro di ricerca Politiche e Bioeconomia. -- Avaiable on

Citazione non strutturata

Longhitano, D., Bodini, A., Povellato, A. & Scardera, A. (2012). Assessing farm sustainability. An application with the Italian FADN sample. In: 1st AIEAA Conference ‘Towards a Sustainable Bio-economy: Economic Issues and Policy Challenges’, June 4-5, Trento Italy (pp. 4-5).

Citazione non strutturata

Mari F. (2005). Valutazione delle politiche agroambientali. Estimo e territorio, 7/8, 11-24.

Citazione non strutturata

Meulenberg, M. (2003). Consumer and citizen, meaning for the market of agricultural products and food products. TSL, 18, 43-56 (In Dutch).

Citazione non strutturata

Pesti, C., & Keszthelyi, S. (2009) Additional environmental data in Hungarian FADN – analysis of crop farms. Report No. 2009-085, Landbouw-EconomischInstituut (LEI), 86-93.

Citazione non strutturata

Pingault, N. (2007). Indicateurs de développement durable: un outils de diagnostic et d’aide à la decision [Sustainable development indicators: a tool for diagnosis and decision-making]. Notes et Etudes Économiques, 28, 7-43.

Citazione non strutturata

Poppe, K. & Vrolijk, H. (2017). Farm sustainability data for better policy evaluation with FADN, 2017, 2017-061, Eds Wageningen Economic Research.

Citazione non strutturata

Russo, C. & Sabbatini, M. (1998). Implicazioni della proposta agenda 2000 sulla distribuzione aziendale dell’aiuto ai seminativi: un’analisi per tipologia e territorio. In aa .vv . Rapporto 1997 sull’agricoltura. Documenti CNEL, Roma.

Citazione non strutturata

Russo, C. & Sabbatini, M. (2002). Assessing agricolture environmental impact: a cluster analysis approach. Atti del Convegno Ariadne 2002, Creta, Novembre.

Citazione non strutturata

Russo, C. (2014). Il posizionamento strategico delle aziende agricole italiane: una mappa concettuale basata sui risultati del VI Censimento Generale dell’Agricoltura. Il posizionamento strategico delle aziende agricole italiane: una mappa concettuale basata sui risultati del VI Censimento Generale dell’Agricoltura, 5-35.

Citazione non strutturata

Toth, C. (2012). Farm structure and competitiveness in agriculture. Paper presented at the 132nd Seminar of the eaae (European Association of Agricultural Economists), Is Transition in European Agriculture Really Over?, Skopje, 25-27 October.

Citazione non strutturata

United Nations. Integrating the Three Dimensions of Sustainable Development: A Framework and Tools; Greening of Economic Growth Series; United Nations: New York, NY, USA, 2015.

Citazione non strutturata

Vitunskienė, V. & Dabkienė, V. (2014). Comparative assessment of farm sustainability in Lithuanian regions. Economics and management: current issues and perspectives, 3(35), 51-66.