Full Title (Arabic)
The Effectiveness of Science Teaching using the WOODS Model on Developing Conceptual Comprehension and Reflective Thinking among Third-Grade Intermediate Students
science teaching, Woods model
1996-8752 (Printed Journal)
1996-8752 (Online Journal)
Journal Volume Number
Journal Issue Number
Journal Issue Date(YYYY/MM/DD)
Full Title (Arabic)
The Effectiveness of Science Teaching using the WOODS Model on Developing Conceptual Comprehension and Reflective Thinking among Third-Grade Intermediate Students
science teaching, Woods model
By (author)
Ministry of Education/Bisha Education/and a doctoral researcher at King Khalid University, Inst
Associate Professor of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Sciences - King Khalid University, Inst
Number of Pages
First Page
Last Page
Language of text
Publication Date
1997College of Basic Education
Main description (English)
The aim of the research is to know the effectiveness of science teaching by using the Woods model on develop conceptual comprehension and reflective thinking among third-grade intermediate students. In sciences, and another for reflective thinking skills. The number of sample members was (60) students from the third intermediate grade students in the Abu Dhar Al-Ghafari Intermediate Schools and Al-Bazha Intermediate Schools in the Bisha educational governorate; They were divided into two equal groups; One of them was experimental (30) students who studied the unit "Material Chemistry" using the Woods model, and the other was control (30) students who studied the same unit in the usual way, and the research experiment took (10) classes, and the conceptual comprehension test and the reflective thinking skills test were applied before and after on the two groups. The results of the research revealed that there were statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the experimental and control groups in the post application of each of: the conceptual comprehension test in science at the total degree and the four levels (illustration, interpretation, application, vision/perspective), and skills test Reflective thinking in the total degree and the five skills, except for the skill (visual vision, and detection of fallacies), for the benefit of the experimental group students. Also, there is no positive, statistically significant correlation at the level (0.01) between the scores of the experimental group students in the post application of the conceptual comprehension and reflective thinking tests. In light of these results, the researcher presented some recommendations and suggestions.